Friday, 16 November 2012

Production Logo Ideas

As a group we decided to take the lead and think about logo ideas. The first production logo idea was to create a distinct animated logo for our group. I was planning to do the logo in after effects; as a result, I managed to finish a draft logo. It was an effective logo but it did not necessarily fit well with the name of our group.

So as a group we re-imagined how we could improve our logo and we came up with some ideas. We thought that it should match our logo name and it should have a meaning. So the first thing came to my mind was that I could create something involving light and fire which could give a stunning effect. 

Before we start developing we researched about distribution and production logos. As a result we found that, it should last around 10-20 seconds and it should have a still image at the end. Most of the production logo's image is linked with its animated sequence but some are not. So we decided to make a difference and change the colour schemes of the two media types.

FireLight Logo

This logo is the official logo which could use in the blog and other publications. This is also the still image we are expecting to insert into the animated logo. 

I created the logo according to the design below. It is a very complex and time consuming design but we were expecting quality than quantity. The final logo was created according to the plan and awaiting for feedback.

This is the Drawn Design
I prefer not to use camera effects as it could create confusion and difficulty during production. We decided to keep it complex but not too much. As soon as the fire starts, the dark area in the screen lightens up, the wiggle in lighting makes it looks like it is almost real.

I also edited and created a sound clip for the animated logo. I matched the sound to action: in this case burning sound which fades out at the end. At the beginning of the audio clip I added a sound of 'fire start' to symbolise that the fire aggressively starts and lightens the area.

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